Adult Dating Rules To Always Abide By


So you want to join an adult dating site? Great! But did you know that there are rules that you must abide by if you want to have a successful run at it. Don’t worry, I’m going to share the details of each of these adult dating rules that you must become familiar with!

adult dating rules

Adult Dating Rules That You Must Know

Here’s a list of the top 6 adult dating rules for success. Don’t take them lightly and don’t pretend they don’t exist. They do and abiding by them will get you laid quicker. These rules are by no means in any order of importance. They are all equally important!

Go Solo
The first rule on the list is to go solo. That means, if you’re going on an adult date or any type of casual meetup with a potential partner, under no circumstances should you ever bring a friend. Leave your wing at home. It’s okay to have them on call if neceassary but that’s it. Unless you’re looking for a threesome, don’t do it.

Be Passioniate
You must be passionate and sexual if you want to have a successful date. I’m not telling you to whip it out or tell someone you want to cum inside them, lol. That’s a bit forceful. Just be loose and passionate. Do sexual things that remind someone of sex or may put them in the mood during your adult dating adventure.

Don’t Rush It
If you want to get laid, by gosh do not rush it. Don’t hurry through dinner just in hopes of ending up in the bedroom. It’s a surefire way to go home alone. Instead, take your time and extend the date. Make it lenghty and keep things sexual. Order dessert to share. But a wam, bam, thank you ma’am isn’t going to happen if you rush things.

Focus on a Few Dating Sites (Maximum)
This one is really important, if you’re looking to join one of the many adult dating sites on the Internet, I’d suggest you put time and effort into only a few sites at best. Why am I telling you this? Well, because you need to work at it if you want to become successful at dating online. That said, choose one or two sites and join them. I recommend you join this site if you want a good adult dating success rate (if you want to get laid a lot).

Avoid Blind Dates
Another important adult dating rule to abide by is to not go on any blind dates, especially if you want to successfully date casually. Going on blind dates can back fire and gossip can often result. Avoid having to deal with all the nonsense by simply not going on blind dates.

Don’t Get Too Wasted
Last bt not least, it’s best practice not to get too wasted if you want to bang someone. Drinking too much can lead to a lower chance of getting laid. I know it sounds strange but it’s really that common for two extremely wasted people to fuck. It happens but it’s more common for it to happen when two people have only had a few drinks versus a dozen where they can’t even stand up straight. Trust me on that!

Well, those are the adult dating rules and you better obey them if you want to have a successful run at this game!

What You’ll Learn When Dating Online


Online Dating is one of those activities that no longer causes accusations about individuals. No longer are the silly thoughts of weirdos spending all their time logged on some dating site. Instead, the weirdos are those that have decided to not partake in the fun fuck-filled activities! There are a few other things that we’ve recently learned with all of this online dating too. That is, other than the fact that we love to have flings with random people we meet online.

Things We Learned Dating Online

Things We Learned Dating Online

Photos and Looks Are Deceiving AF

We all love browsing through those crazy profile photos. Sure you’ve come across some smoking hot girls that you want to fuck. We all have. The thing is, some of these photos are deceiving as fuck! Now, the other side to that coin is that some people just don’t photograph well at all. They try like hell to put themselves in an incredible photo to peak your interest and it just doesn’t cut it. However, you give it a shot and find out how damn hot they really are. The point is this, photos and looks can be deceiving for sure!

Liars Do Exist Out There

I’m going to be brutally honest and share something with you, you’ve dated a liar or two. Yes, I’m being dead serious. There are liars all over this world and most lie about insanely stupid stuff. No, she doesn’t have a puppy or a vacation home in Hawaii. She’s never done this before either. Point is, recognize that not everyone is honest and don’t let that stop you from getting laid.

You’re Not Getting Explanations You Want

If you’re expecting to get some super clear and forthcoming explanation, you should probably start thinking again because there’s a good chance you’re definitely not getting that! Explanations shouldn’t be expected and if you get one then just accept it and move on with your life. There are plenty of people to meet online to have sex with. Click here and I’ll show you how to meet them.

Rejection Is Inevitable

If you’re dating someone you meet online, you’re going to have to be able to take rejection. It’s just comes with the territory. Yes, you can increase your chances of not getting rejected, but that’s not going to be 100% possible to avoid.

You’re Going To See Tits, Ass, and More

If you’re not ready to be exposed to then you shouldn’t be dating online. I’ve seen more ass than a toilet seat and most of it is all of people, I’ve actually met on the Fuckbook network and had sex with once or twice. Be prepared to see it all.

That about sums up the things that we’ve learned from dating online over the last couple of years and what you can expect to learn should you just be getting started. It should come as no surprise that we are only going to continue to learn and load up on booty calls for the years to come!